
4 Sept 2012

How to earn money from Clixsense

There are 2 ways to earn from clixsense:
         On those paid URL’s that you will visit (Clixsense will pay you from .01cent up to $5 per visit of those websites available for you to open.)
             On referring/inviting your friend to join clixsense. They’ll pay you .10cents per person that you can refer and clixsense is giving up to 5 level of downline. Meaning, if your first referral invited a friend, then that friend that she invited will be your second downline…and it goes up to the fifth level.
One thing also about clixsense is that, their premium membership only cost $10 and its for 1 year premium subscription. The inclusive of this premium membership is the automatic 500 links after paying and the whole year benefits to see ads available for regular member and ads available for premium members only.
500 clicks means that clixsense will give you 500 available clicks right away, this is worth $5 so that means you only paid $5 on your 1 year membership.


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