
2 Sept 2012

Cs201 short notes 2

A C++ keyword used to declare an object as constant or used to declare a constant parameter.
A function called when a class object comes into scope. The constructor is used to initialize the object. See allocation, copy constructor, and destruct or.
C++ keyword used with for and while statements to continue the iteration at the top of the loop.
Copy constructor:
A special type of constructor that is called when an object is copied.
In C++ stream I/O, the standard output stream.
Data structure:
The term data structure refers to the way data is organized for use within a program. Correct organization of data can lead to simpler and more efficient algorithms. Common data structures are linked-lists, stacks, queues and trees.
A tool for stepping through the execution of a program, examining variables, setting breakpoints, and so on.
A C++ entity that introduces one or more names into a program. declaration specifies to the compiler the types of all the elements of an identifier; "this function or this piece of data exists somewhere else, and here is what it should look like." See also definition for definition.
Default argument:
An optional argument to a function. A value specified in the function declaration is used if the argument is not given.
Instantiates an identifier, allocating its memory. A declaration can also be a definition. You can declare data or a function in many differ.
Delete operator:
C++ keyword and operator used to delete dynamic storage.
Derived class:
A class that inherits members from a base class.
A function called when a class object goes out of scope. It cleans up the object, freeing resources like dynamic storage.
A C/C++ reserved word that allows construction of an iterative loop. The statements in the body always execute at least once. Also see while.
A fundamental data type in C and C++. Double variables are used to store floating-point values. They offer greater precision and can store larger numbers than floats.
Dynamic memory allocation:
The process of dynamically creating objects in the heap or free store during program runtime. Statically created objects, created by the compiler, are put on the program stack.
C++ keyword, part of the if statement, that allows conditional execution of code.
The standard C++ library provides a set of manipulator functions that can modify the state of iostream objects. endl writes a new line to output.
A C++ keyword used in the declaration of constructors to indicate that conversion of an initializer should not take place.
A combination of constants, variables, and operators used to produce a value of some type.
Expression statement:
A statement that is an expression, such as a function call or assignment.
A C++ keyword used to declare a floating point type.
A C++ keyword used to specify an iteration or looping statement.
A type of declaration used within a class to grant other classes or functions access to that class.
A C++ entity that is a sequence of statements. It has its own scope, accepts a set of argument values, and returns a value on completion.
Function overloading:
The capability of having several routines in a program with the same name. The different functions are distinguished by their parameter types, return value types, or both; the compiler automatically selects the correct version, based on parameter types and return types.
Garbage collection:
A way of automatically managing dynamic storage such that explicit cleanup of storage is not required. C++ does not have garbage collection.
Garbage collection:
A way of automatically managing dynamic storage such that explicit cleanup of storage is not required. C++ does not have garbage collection.
Global variable:
A variable that is accessible throughout the whole program, whose lifetime is that of the program.
C++ keyword, used to transfer control within a C++ function.
Header file:
A file containing class declarations, preprocessor directives, and so on, and included in a translation unit. It is expanded by the preprocessor.
A pool of memory used for dynamic memory allocation. Blocks of memory from this area are allocated for program use during execution using the new operator in C++ and the malloc function in C.
C++ keyword used in conditional statements, that allows conditional execution of code.
The process whereby a derived class inherits members from a base class. A derived class will also add its own members to those of the base class.
C++ keyword used to declare an inline function.
Inline function:
A function that can be expanded by a compiler at the point of call, thereby saving the overhead time required to call the function. Best for recursive and loop calls. Provides type safety and side-effects protection not afforded by #define.
The C/C++ keyword int is used to declare an integer variable.
C++ separates its interface from its implementation. The interface in C++ is the class definition of an object, and its methods. The interface doesn't specify how the methods work; this is done in the class implementation. Only the interface need be compiled at compile time. The implementation can be linked (or even written) at any time.
A reserved identifier in C++, used to denote data types, statements of the language, and so on. Keywords are reserved words that serve a special purpose within a programming language. They may declare the type or properties of an object, or allow creation of program structure such as branches or loops. They may not by used as identifiers or object (variable) names.
A name that is the target of a goto statement.
A program that combines object files and library code to produce an executable program.


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