
4 Sept 2012

Eng201 solved subjective midterm past paper spring 2009

                      ENG201- Business and Technical English Writing (Session - 1)
Question No: 17 ( Marks: 2 )
What is the purpose of writing Professional Objectives in Resume?

Answer: Page 14
When you state your professional objective, you answer your reader’s questions ‘what exactly do you want to do?’
your answer can be extremely important to the resume. In contrast, people in other fields such as advertising are
accustomed to seeing highly unconventional resumes, perhaps printed on pink paper.
Question No: 18 ( Marks: 2 )
How a message can achieve good organization?

Answer: Page 50
We can achieve good organization by writing clear subject and purpose. All information should be related to the
subject and purpose. We can achieve it by putting ideas in grouped and presented in a logical way and by including
all necessary information.
Question No: 19 ( Marks: 3 )
Which components are included in the Front matter of a Proposal?

Answer: Page 62
Front Matter: The front matter of a proposal includes the following components:
• Letter of transmittal
• Title page • Summary
• Table of contents
• List of figures and tables
Question No: 20 ( Marks: 10 )
How will you establish sequence with Organizational patterns of the followings?

GOOD NEWS MEAAAGE – Bad news – Persuasive messages
Answer: Page 53
Establish Sequence with Organizational Patterns
Bad-News Messages
If you have bad news, try to put it somewhere in the middle, cushioned by other, more positive ideas.
Bad-News Message Format
The letter begins with a neutral statement that provides a transmission to the refusal. The midsection explains the
reason for refusal and then states the bad news. The writer takes care
to introduce a positive thought. The letter closes on a cordial note
Persuasive Messages
Using the indirect approach gives you an opportunity to get your message across to a skeptical or hostile audience.
Persuasive Message Format
The letter begins with questions to catch the reader’s attention. The letter leads up to the main point by arousing the
reader’s interest. This section gives the reader a motive for complying with the request. The letter closes with an
Spring 2009
ENG201- Business and Technical English Writing (Session - 4)

Question No: 17 (Marks: 2 )
What do you know about ‘Phantom Readers’?

Answer: Page 23
Phantom Readers
In some situations most important readers may be hidden from you. Written communications addressed to
one person are used by others. These real but unnamed readers are called
phantom readers.
Question No: 18 ( Marks: 2 )
Which factors should be kept in mind while editing the message?

Answer: Page 56
Content and Organization
Stick to the point, the main idea, in the first paragraph. In the middle highlight the key features of your stance.
Eliminate redundancies.
Question No: 19 ( Marks: 3 )
Which characteristics are most important part of Correctness?

Answer: Page 41
The following things are at the core of concreteness.
• Grammar
• Punctuation
• Spelling
Question No: 20 ( Marks: 5 )
Which characteristics ensure ‘Completeness’ to a document?

Answer: Page 31
Your message is complete when it contains all the facts, readers or listeners need for the reaction you desire.
Communication senders need to assess their message from eyes of the receivers to be sure they have included all the
relevant information
Question No: 21 ( Marks: 10 )
Describe and explain any FIVE characteristics of Conciseness.

Answer: Page 33
Conciseness is saying what you want to say in the fewest possible words without sacrificing the other C qualities. A
concise message saves time and expense for both the sender and the receiver. It increases emphasis in the message. It
shows respect for the recipient, by not cluttering them unnecessary information.
To achieve conciseness, observe the following suggestions
Eliminate wordy expressions
Include only relevant material
Avoid unnecessary repetition.
Eliminate wordy expressions
Use single-word substitutes instead of phrases whenever possible without changing meaning
ENG201- Business and Technical English Writing

Question No: 17 ( Marks: 2 )
What does the phrase ‘Readers create Meaning’ mean?

Answer: Page 4
Instead of receiving the message, people interact with the message to create meaning. While reading, we build larger
structures of knowledge from small fragments of sentences. These structures are not the words we have just read but
our own creation
Question No: 18 ( Marks: 2 )
What is a bad news message?

It's the message that tells you unpleasant news. It's usually written in indirect approach and following some
other rules so the writer looks more polite
If you have bad news, try to put it somewhere in the middle, cushioned by other, more positive ideas.
Question No: 19 ( Marks: 3 )
What do you understand by the phrase ‘Readers responses are sharpened by Situation’?

Answer: Page 4
It means Responses to a communication are shaped by a total situation surrounding the message such as factors as
their purpose of reading the readers’ perceptions of the writer’s aims, their personal interest and stake in the subject
discussed past relations with the writer
Question No: 20 ( Marks: 5 )
Differentiate between Direct and Indirect Approach?

Answer: Page 4
Direct Approach (deductive)
Putting the main idea first followed by evidence.
Indirect Approach (inductive)
Putting the main idea later and evidences first. Use direct order if the audience’s reaction is likely to be positive and
indirect order if it is likely to be negative. Short messages follow one of four organizational plans, depending on the
audience’s probable reaction
ENG201- Business and Technical English Writing

Question No: 17 ( Marks: 2 )
What are the basic strategies for writing bad-News Messages?

Answer: Page 74
The two basic strategies described are:
• The indirect plan, which presents supporting data before the main idea
• The direct plan, which presents the main idea before the supporting data
Question No: 18 ( Marks: 2 )
Define the term ‘Stylistic Accuracy’.

Answer: Page 27
Stylistic accuracy concerns the careful use of language requires the careful use of paragraph and sentence structure
and word choice to describe and analyze your topics effectively. As a writer, you gain command of accuracy by
studying the elements of style and by learning to apply those elements to your drafting, revising, editing, and
proofreading. Stylistic accuracy is also a matter of using words precisely
Question No: 20 ( Marks: 5 )
Describe briefly ‘structural, stylistic and contextual clarity.

Answer: Page 27
Structural clarity.
At the level of the whole document, you can promote structural clarity, making it easy for the reader to get the large
picture. Use abstracts and other forecasting strategies such as introductions that state the purpose and scope of the
Stylistic clarity
Stylistic clarity is promoted by simple, direct language. Simplicity in language is obtained with directly worded
sentences. Using simple sentences and avoiding overloaded sentences and excessive normalization also contributes to
clarity. Word choice is a factor in stylistic clarity:
Use simple language wherever possible to counteract the abstract, highly specialized terms of science and technology.
Contextual clarity
Contextual clarity, in which the importance, authorization, and implications of your work are made available, also
contributes to ease of understanding. All work has context, and your readers want to understand what the context of
your document is:
• What prompts you to write?
• What is your purpose?
• Whose work proceeds has influenced yours?
• What is the organizational and intellectual context of your problem?
ENG201- Business and Technical English Writing

Question No: 17 ( Marks: 2 )
Explain the phrase ‘Readers react on a moment-by-moment basis’?

Answer: Page 5
Readers react on a moment-to-moment basis
On job people react to each part of the memo, report or other business communication as soon as they come to it.
Question No: 19 ( Marks: 3 )
What are Claims and Adjustments?
Question No: 20 ( Marks: 5 )
How will you write and plan a sales letter?

Answer: Page 77
The three steps involved in planning a sales letter are similar to those involved in planning any other persuasive
1. Determine the main idea (in sales letters, it revolves around a selling point and related benefits) 2. Define the
3. Choose the approach and format.


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