
2 Sept 2012

Cs201 short notes 1

The #include directive instructs the preprocessed to read and include a file into a source code file. The file name is typically enclosed with < and > if the file is a system provided file, or in quotes if the file is user provided.
Abstract class:
A class that can only be used as a base class for some other class. A class is abstract if it has at least one pure virtual function.
An array or object of a class with no constructors, no private or protected members, no base classes, and no virtual functions. Also see initialize and initialization.
Defining an alias for a structure or built-in type allows use of the alias as if it were a new type. In C, the keyword is type def. It's a bad idea to alias (have two objects pointing to the same data) unless one of those objects is a temporary variable.
The process of giving memory space to an object. Also see dynamic storage, static storage, and reallocation
When calling a function, refers to the actual values passed to the function. Also see parameter.
An ordered and index able sequence of values. C++ supports arrays of a single dimension (a vector) or of multiple dimensions
Base class:
A class that serves as a base for a derived class to inherit members from. Also see inheritance.
A bit is the smallest unit of memory that can be manipulated. It has a binary or boolean value of 0 or 1. Within memory bits are combined to form bytes and words. Depending on its type, a variable in a program is stored in some number of bytes.
C++ keyword used to declare a Boolean data type.
C++ keyword used to specify a statement that is used to break out of a for or while loop or out of a switch statement.
A byte is a grouping of eight bits which a computer typically groups as one logical unit. It is usually the smallest addressable unit of memory.
Call by value:
Passing a copy of an argument to a function. The function cannot then change the argument value. C and C++ use call by value argument passing. But also see pointer and reference, also see call by reference.
A C++ keyword used to denote an individual element of a switch statement.
A C++ keyword used to declare an object of character type. Often considered the same as a byte, though it is possible to have multi-byte characters.
In C++ stream I/O, the standard input stream.
A C++ keyword used to declare the fundamental building block of C++ programs. A class has a tag, members, access control mechanisms, and so on.
Class layout:
The way in which data class members are arranged in a class object
Class member:
A constituent member of a class, such as a data declaration, a function, or a nested class.
Class template:
A template used for generating class types.
C++ has C-style comments delimited with /* and */, and new C++-style line-oriented comments starting with //.
A software tool that converts a language such as C++ into a different form, typically assembly language.


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