
21 Sept 2012

Eng301 solved subjective finalterm past papers

Question No: 31 ( M a r k s: 2 ) What are solicited and unsolicited sales letters?
There are two kinds of sales letters: (i) Solicited letter (the organization is invited to respond to sales messages.) (ii) Unsolicited letter (the organization sends out uninvited messages to sell a product or service) Solicited sales are the letters that you write in response to an inquiry. With these letters, the organization has one central goal: to get responses quickly to someone‘s request for information, use the direct plan for the solicited letter. Unsolicited sales letter are those letters which you write to people who can be persuaded through these letters to buy your product or service. These letters demand superior writing Skills. Often you will work with a marketing department or even an ad agency; they will make recommendations about the mailing lists, the timing, the core theme, and the visual presentation of brochures and accompanying material.  Question No: 32 ( M a r k s: 2 ) What is ethnographic research?
Ethnographic research Ethnographic research is a special types of case study research. It is distinguished from other types of case studies because it uses the theories and methods of anthropology to study the culture of schools and classrooms  .
Question No: 33 ( M a r k s: 2 ) What is a stress interview?
Perhaps the most unnerving types of interview is the stress interview. Stress interviews help recruiters see how you handle yourself under pressure. See how well a candidate handles stressful situations. During a stress interview, you might be asked
pointed questions designed to irk or unsettle you. You might be subjected to long periods of silence, criticisms of your appearance, deliberate interruptions, abrupt or even hostile reactions by the interviewer(lesson no 36).
Question No: 34 ( M a r k s: 3 ) Which points should keep in mind about right attitude for successful collection?
Right attitude for successful collections • Any emotional reaction on the part of the debtor may reduce the chances of recovery. • Successful collection depends to on the following factors • Understanding of Human Nature • Knowledge of collection policies and laws • Using persuasive / positive appeals effectively i) Appeal to fairness & justice ii) Appeal to pride iii) Appeal to Goodwill iv) Appeal to sympathy Begin with assumption that most people will pay • Give no impression that you doubt the honesty of the debtor • Use a courteous, reasonable tone but become firmer • And more demanding during the later stages of the series • Remain with the law, don‘t harass • Show understanding and flexibility while writing delinquent accounts • Send collection notices quickly and regularly • Never imply in you messages that payment can be avoid or postponed. • Retain goodwill throughout the series • Present you evidence and stick to the facts • Persuade the debtors of the benefit he will receive by paying • State clearly the specific action the debtor must take...
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