
27 Apr 2012

Mgt510 1st assignment solution spring 2012

Question 1:
How would you provide better services to customers by implementing
quality principles in the customer service center of ABC telecom? (12 Marks)  


Ensure the customers that the service provider is the best reliable services around, by
promising and giving solutions for which they are dependent on the customer services. 
Accessibility and convenience:
Employees must be given the proper quality measures that they must listen for the emotions
of the customers’ message. Put themselves in the customers’ place and respond
compassionately by offering services to address their needs and concerns. So the customers
would be satisfied. 
Facilitate the customers with the best of the services. Give customers the after service notes
to give the good feeling to customers. Maintain workspaces in a neat, orderly manner, dress
professionally, and maintain excellent grooming and hygiene standards
Empathy: The degree of caring and individual attention provided to customers. Customer
service employee’s behavior counts more than anything else while dealing with the
Ensure the willingness to help customers and provide prompt services and resolve each
customer’s problem. Customer’s satisfaction should be the most prior thing for all the
employees. The knowledge and courtesy of employees, and their ability to convey trust and
Provide the customers better on time service as when promised. This will increase the
goodwill and quality of the services. Make sure that you correctly identify customer needs,
promise only what you can deliver, and follow through to ensure that the product or service
was received as promised
Completeness: Take the time to serve customers one at a time. Provide service assertively by
using positive communication techniques and describing products and services accurately
Consistency: handle all the customers equal. And for more questions the customer services
department project a positive, can-do attitude. Take immediate steps to help customers and
satisfy their needs
Question 2:
In this competitive environment, how ABC telecom may get the competitive
advantage over others? (3 Marks)  


By providing value to the customers which others do not.

 By providing a proper direction and motivation to the entire organization

 By improving the services such as providing customers free minutes or free calls or any
other gift strategy which are not providing.

 By consistently developing new processes, products to remain ahead of the competitors.

competitive advantage can normally be traced to one of three roots:

Superior resources,

 superior skills and

 superior positions.

Competitive strategy is one of the ways in which a business relates to its environment by
competing with other firms who are also trying to adapt within the operating environment. It
is with this aspect- the competitive strategy which if appropriately chosen and implemented
appropriately give the firm a competitive advantage over its rivals.


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