
29 Apr 2012

Cs101 solved past paper's midterm 2009

Cray-1 was first commercial _________ computer
Browser is a __________________ used for browsing.
(a)   Tool   doubt
(b)   Component
(c)    Device
(d)   None of the given choices doub
Q3 The name of first browser was ______
(a)   Internet Explorer
(b)   Mosaic
(c)    Netscape
(d)   Fire fox
Q4 Which of the following hardware component of a computer can also be called as engine?
(a)   Bus
(b)  Storage
(c)    Memory
(d)   Processor 
The impact of a digit in a number is determined by its ---------------
(a)   Value
(b)   Location
(c)    Length
(d)   None of above
This element of Flow Chart is called_____________.
(a)  Process
(b)  Off-page Connector                                                                             
(c)  Decision
(d)  Connector
The sequence of phases, a software goes through from the concept to decommissioning, is called
(a)    Software composition
(b)   Software life-cycle   
(c)    Software methodology
(d)   Software development steps
In JavaScript, a variable declaration is
(a)   Optional  
(b)   Mandatory
(c)    Not allowed
(d)   None of the given
____________ interacts directly with the computer Hardware
(a)    Compiler
(b)   Operating system
(c)    Application software
(d)   Assembler
Which of the following is/are the parts of Operating system components?
(a)    GUI
(b)   Device Manager
(c)    Shell
(d)   All of these
Tag used for the highest level Heading is ________________






(d)   . None of these
The programming language specifically designed by the US Department of Defense for developing military applications was named ___________.
(a)    Smalltalk
(b)   C
(c)    C++
(d)   Ada   
------------ is volatile memory
(a)   RAM  
(b)   ROM
(c)    Hard Disk
(d)   Hard Disk
The key strengths of computers are
(a)    Speed
(b)   Storage
(c)    Do not get bored
(d)   All of the given choices
_____ is an application program that provides a way to look at and interact with all the information on the World Wide Web
(a)    URL
(b)   Browser
(c)    HTML
(d)   Website
 is a client program that uses HTTP to make requests to Web servers throughout the internet on behalf of the user.
(a)    Web Application
(b)   Web Browser    
(c)    Internet Application
(d)   HTML
___ contains the name of the protocol required to access the resource, a domain name that identifies a specific computer on the internet and a pathname on the computer
(a)    HTML
(b)   HTTP
(c)    URL 
(d)   WWW
To start an ordered list from 20 instead of 1, we will write
_________ is the interface in computer that supports transmission of multiple bits at the same time.
(a)    Serial Port
(b)   Parallel Port 
(c)    Universal Serial Bus
(d)   None of the given choice
Monitor is an example of:
(a)    Input Device
(b)   Processing Device
(c)    Output Device
(d)   Storage Device
Different parts or components of computer use ­­                    as a communication path
(a)    RAM
(b)   Bus
(c)    ROM
(d)   Processor
There is a battery on the motherboard to:
(a)    Give power to the processor
(b)   Save information when computer is off
(c)    Save information when computer is on
(d)   Give power to the motherboard
In which case Cache Memory is used
(a)    To increase RAM speed
(b)   To overcome BUS speed
(c)    To overcome Speed rate between RAM and CPU
(d)   To overcome CPU speed
Using COLSPAN, number of rows of the current cell should extend itself
(a)    Upward
(b)   Downward
(c)    Both Upward and Downward
(d)   None of the given choices     
Operating System talks to and manages devices through
(a)    Loader
(b)   File Manager
(c)    Memory Manager
(d)   Device Driver
Pseudo code is written in
(a)    Complex grammar
(b)   Plain English
(c)    JAVA
(d)   Pseudo language
What is Object in JavaScript ?
Everything that JavaScript manipulates, it treats as an object – e.g. a window or a button
An object has properties – e.g. a window has size, position, status,
Write one purpose of using spreadsheets?
Electronic replacement for ledgers, Used for automating engineering, scientific, but in majority of cases, business calculations, A spreadsheet - VisiCalc - was the first popular application on PC’s. It helped in popularizing PC’s by making the task of financial-forecasting much simpler, allowing individuals to do forecasts which previously were performed by a whole team of financial wizard
Write one purpose of using spreadsheets?
Electronic replacement for ledgers, Used for automating engineering, scientific, but in majority of cases, business calculations, A spreadsheet - VisiCalc - was the first popular application on PC’s. It helped in popularizing PC’s by making the task of financial-forecasting much simpler, allowing individuals to do forecasts which previously were performed by a whole team of financial wizard
How a designer makes Structured Design?
Also called top-down design, The designer starts by first conceiving a skeleton high-level design of the system, and then starts defining features of that over-all design in an ever-increasing detail Making small changes in the functionality of the systems sometimes leads to major redesign exercise. Structured design emphasizes separating a program's data from its functionality
What is the difference between High-level and Low-level programming languages?
High language can be easily understood by human beings. But low level language is machine langue, but we can understand it. Because low level language is machine langue
What are the main responsibilities that Kernel plays in Operating system?
Responsible for all the essential operations like basic house keeping, task scheduling, etc Also contains low-level HW interfaces Size important, as it is memory-resident


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